
Keto diet | benefits and risks of keto diet plan

Keto diet | benefits and risks of keto diet plan

    The keto diet or ketogenic diet is defined as: a diet with high fat ; and low carbohydrate system whose benefits is very good to your body which make you a healthy person .
    The benefits of this ketogenic diet lead to protect you from cancer , diabetes and other some diseases also; help you losing amount of your fats without feeling hungry.
    We are going to explain thd keto diet plan benefits and risks.

    Defenition of keto diet :

    A diet of fewer-carb intake and higher fat consumption which is burned into energy for your body , the low-carb intake lead your body to ketosis case.

    Meaning of ketogenic "keto" 

    The word "keto" is meaning that causes a very small molecules called ketones " a source of energy for the human body instead of the glucose when its supply is decreased .
    The ketones is prodeced by the liver from the fat which latter become the energy source for all body and especially the brain.
    In ketogenic diet as a result of dropping the level of insulin "blood glucose" there is increase in the burning of fat stored in the body.
    To reach ketosis speedly you need to fast but no one can fast for ever.

    Benefits of keto diet plan : 

    As you know that ketgenic diet which is depend on getting most of energy or calories for energy from proteins and fat and less calories from carbohydrates.
    Doctors and Nutritionists found alot of benefits linked to ketogenic diet which includes:
    • Lose body weight rapidly : most researches shows the benefits of keto diet plan in losing weight  and decrease the risk of diseases that face people worldwide.
    • Lose body weight more than other diet types.
    • Improve the level of HDL cholestrol and triglycrides levels.
    • Ketogenic diet improve diabetes : as this is the efficient diet to keep blood sugar lower in the blood , also play a role in decreasing fat which has a relation with type 2 diabetes and prediabetic people making them more healthy.
    • Keto diet Decrease risks of heart disease : mos studies show that ketogenic diet plan improve cholestrol "HDL" , blood sugar and pressure .
    • Keto diet can protect body of cancer : as it play a role in slowing growth of tumers.
    • Decreasing the carbohydrate and insulin level may help in treating acne .
    • Other neurologic conditions is related to ketogenic diet as ; Alzheimer's , parkinson's disease and epilepsy as ketones that made by fat break down protect the brain cells from damage.

    Risks of ketogenic diet :

    As any type og diet ; Ketogenic diet has risks to some people run on it like :

    • Ketogenic diet can cause constipation and kidney stones
    • Keto diet isn't proper to peole with liver, kidney, gallbladder, pancreas diseases
    • Keto diet may experience some symptoms like stomach disturpance , mood change and energy lost.
    • Weight loss by keto diet plan may be quick but weight gain may come again more than what is now.
    • Ketogenic diet can cange the balance between minerals and fluids in ghe body to meet this problem you can increase salts in food .

    Food to eat in ketogenic diet plan :

    The purpose of diet is to reach ketosis ; so you need to decrease carbohydrate so try to make your carb intake below 50 gm daily.
    To more effective diet look to your carb and fewer it as you can.
    Avoid starchy and sugury foods like bread, pasta and rice.
    MCT oil is welcomed for energy supplement to you.
    Caffeine is needed for fat loss and your performance.
    Exogenes ketones from any source out side the body also help in ketosis .

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