
Benefits of keto and low-carb ketogenic diet

Benefits of keto and low-carb ketogenic diet

    The keto diet could cause weight reduction quickly; have plenty of benefits; increasing level of HDL cholesterol, decreased blood sugar and the level of insulin and lowering blood pressure .
    Ketones which produced by the liver from keto diet is a good source of fuel and energy for your body; burns this ketones could reduce weight, strength your brain, prevent high blood sugar and lower inflammation.

    What is keto diet ?

    Ketogenic diet is low-carb, moderate protein and high fat diet so keto diet includes all diets that provide our body with a lot of fats and very low amount of carbohydrates to reach the goal of keto diet which is burns more fat from the body.

    How ketogenic diet work :  

    To know the benefits of keto diet plan; you should know the mechanism of working of ketogenic diet in the human body.
    By decreasing the glucose and carbohydrates provided; the body begin to burn the excess fat present fof getting energy.

     The result is producing a very small molecules called ketones used as a source of energy. Cutting down of body fat result in weight loss and all benefits of keto diet which discussed in details in the following words.

    The benefits of low-carb keto diet :

    Several benefits of ketogenic diet and low-carb diet is good for your body and brain obtained by studies all of them trigger that ketogenic diet plan is fast way to lower your weight quickly in addition to : 
    1. Body fat cutting down.
    2. Triglycrides level drop and increase level of HDL cholestrol.
    3. Reduce blood pressure.
    4. Decrease sugar and insulin levels.
    5. Protect the heart
    6. Improve general mood and sleep
    7. Improve gqstrointestinal and gallbladder overall health.

    Keto diet for weight loss 

    People on ketogenic diet plan using the fat stored in their bodies as the source of energy and  ketone molecules also influence the hunger hormone go decrease appetite and the person on keto diet fill up so the final result is weight loss

    Keto diet to stenghth the brain

    Ketones is a good source of energy to the brain cells some studies show that it is more efficient than glucose. All fats in keto diet supply the brain and make it more strength and more powerfully.
    Ketogenic diet may manage alzheimer's disease.

    Keto diet to regulate the blood sugar 

    A lot of carbohydrates and sugars in the daily diets turns to glucose in the blood stream which could increase blood sugar.
    When body depend on fat in low-carb diet and prevent the sugar in diet this could regulate the blood sugar and insulin levels.
    Keto diet is a good regulator of diabetic people as well as medication.

    Keto diet to decrease inflammation of body

    The keto diet role in inflammation is to switch it off as ketones produce lower radicals than glucose so protect the body from chronic disease as heart disease and some types of cancers.

    Keto diet protect from coronary heart disease

    Triglycrides increased levels in blood stream are in relation by coronary heart disease. Low-carb diet or ketogenic diet increase ldvel of HDL High Density Lipoprotein "good cholesterol" so protect heart from several diseases.

    Keto diet for reducing Acne 

    High carbohydrate diet related to acne as blood sugar increase acne in some people affecting the health of your skin.
    People on ketogenic diet have lower symptoms of Acne.

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